Monday, December 21, 2009

9th Day of Christmas


Broadway is not my thing. I hate musicals. The truth is, I have seen one musical and liked it- it was Spamalot. Spamalot, for those of you who don't know, is a farce of King Arthur based on the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." Beyond that, I hate musicals for a couple of reasons. 1) The amount of jazz hands and spirited springs in their dancing is far from okay with me. 2) They get caught in your head. After Mama Mia came out at the movies, showtunes fans were singing ABBA like stagehands in a cheap Broadway theater. There is no way you can sing these songs and sound manly either. If you don't believe me, try singing something from West Side Story without snapping your fingers and trusting your hips.

These nine ladies are essentially their own broadway show. It's ironic that the author of the song wanted to give his love something that dances. Why? Because most people hate dancing. Dances today contain far too many wallflowers and dorks who don't want to be caught dead cutting a rug. The ones that do make it to the dance floor in this day in age perform what is called "B & G" (bumping and grinding- you can figure it out). Critics of this dance have called it "sex with your clothes on," which isn't far from the truth. The intentions of the dance are far from actually dancing. Every so often you will see a mosh pit. Real mosh pits look less like dancing and more like summoning rain from the heavens. The love of dancing for the sake of dancing is virtually lost.

There is a rogue group of us who still like it for what it is, though. Whether we can dance well is beside the point. It is that we love to dance. Music can make or break a day; you can tell a lot from the day by what music you hear throughout it. And for those of us who love to cut a rug and don't care what we look like, music is life. That is why worship is such an important part of our relationship to God. It expresses what is going on inside us better than words ever could. So if you hate dancing, then I urge you this week to try it. Your assignment is to dance in public at least once. Why? Because you will feel more alive than you ever have. The nine ladies dancing really resembled the nine fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22). Maybe the ninth day is asking us to show off our fruit via dance. The ninth day is about dancing. The ninth day is about worship.

1 comment:

  1. i read to this point today :) you're such a deep thinker. with every sentence i read, i feel overwhelmed with awe.
    ...pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 2 Tim. 2:22
