Friday, December 18, 2009

6th Day of Christmas


I have never and never will have the extreme pain of childbirth. Thank the Lord for the Y chromosome. I have seen my fair share of births on the Discovery Channel, but they are usually only 5 minutes longs and word on the street is that birth usually takes hours, if not days. I'm hoping that when my future wife gives birth to our child, TiVo-for-life will be invented and I could fast forward the event and go straight to when we are driving home. I'll keep my hopes up. I once saw a lamb give birth up close. All I remember of the the event was a lot of blood and a lot of screaming. I was pretty scared for a 3rd grade kid. That is my experience with pregnancy.
Now, let us multiply the event by six and have them giving birth around the clock. Granted, a bird lays an egg, but I'm sure it's not a pleasant process all the time, especially when we come by and fry the egg to make delicious omelets. Mmmmm, eggs. Some may think it's cruel, I think it's delicious. Anyways, these birds are on a 24 hour loop of giving birth. They constantly lay eggs rich with life supplying nutrients.

The sixth day symbolizes the six days of Creation found in Genesis. It accounts for how God gave six days dedicated solely to creation and making of life. And each day, we see life giving nutrients supplied by God instead of a goose. That creation has at times left scars from it's painful mistakes. However, God still loves his creation and dedicates all his time to watching over his creation, day in and day out. That is the purpose of the sixth day. To remind us that creation is constantly in motion and constantly watched over. So here's to the sixth day being about being creation. Here's to being loved by a Creator who loves creating.


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