Tuesday, December 22, 2009

10th Day of Christmas


Super weird.

Men who wear leotards cannot escape the stereotype of feminism in this day and age as they shouldn't. Men who wear tights are not considered manly. The expection is football. Those guys are tough, but I still admit, wearing leotard pants three sizes too small that make your backside look like cottage cheese is not a manly thing to do. They can beat each other up, just do it in jeans. I suppose some men find it fashionable. There is a whole following who likes to wear pants so tight, they risk a blod clot on a daily basis. If you ask me, I think it is dorky.

The tenth day resembled the ten commandments. These are the ones that Moses was divinely inspired to write by God on Mount Carmel, but the older readers will identify with Charlton Heston's commandments better. (By the way, a good way to tell if you are an old person- if you understood my pun, you are old. Sorry.) I am not downsizing the ten commandments, but often, in the secular realm, they are considered to be the "Thou shalt nots" of Christianity. AndI'm not saying God got anything wrong, I'm just going to say that the 11th commandment could have easily been "thou shalt wear pants." But no matter what the discrepancy is the commandments should be adhered to, including the 11th one, in my opinion.

Most of these Christmas days have hopefully made you all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm going to throw a curveball on this one. Hopefully today will challenge you as much as it challenged me. To me, the tenth day is about us following the voice of God, no matter what. It may not be fun but we need to. The Bible isn't a book of rules, but every command of God is commanded for a reason. They are there to help us, to make sure our lives don't get too chaotic. It would be better that we don't sleep around, committing adultry. It would be better that we don't hate and kill each other. It would be FAR better that men don't wear leotards in public. It is a good reminder for all of us. When God says something, we should do it simply because he knows more about our situation than we know about it. The tenth day is about following God's commands.


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