Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Write It As You Feel It

Technically, this post should be a video post. It obviously is not and there is a reason for that. But the reason why is lame; it's the story behind it that is interesting. Am I going to tell you about it? Of course. Why the heck would I take the time to write a blog about stuff if I wasn't going to tell you? Is it going to be funny, Kyle, cus I like it when they're funny. Of course it will, or at least I hope it will. If it's not, then at least laugh so I'll feel good about it. So dive with me, if you will, into my life for a second...

This past weekend, I wrote a song. "A song?" you ask. Yes, a song. As I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom one lazy Sunday afternoon, I ventured into the depths of my imagination, which I assure you is a dangerous and unstable path sometimes, and pulled out an idea for a song. It would be a song that had a catchy beat to it and everybody would relate to. So, my mind started racing and my creative juices started flowing and an hour later, I ended up with a blank sheet of paper. On the flip side, I got distracted while playing guitar and I can now make it sound like it is whistling to a hot babe! Man, I have issues.... Anyways, I buckled down there at the end and penned a tune that would fit the bill!

Excited, I spent the rest of that night fine tuning the song to a group of friends, who thought it was a delightful little ditty. The song was about an awful break up, the kind where you have to change your number and move zip codes because she won't leave you alone. In all honesty, I pulled parts of the songs from some of my friends' relationships which ended in catastrophic failure, and if you've ever had a relationship before that ended, you know that it always feels like a catastrophic failure one way or another. So, they seemed delighted and I figured it was time to take it up a notch. It was to the internet and beyond for my little song!

I set up a chair, my laptop, my guitar, and prepped my vocal chords and got to work recording the song. "What word would I use to describe working on it?" you ask, because I'm sure you are that interested in my life to ask that question. Well thank you first of all for taking interest and the answer to it- epic. I almost made myself laugh while playing it during the video. It was simply jolly. Now I don't want to get your hopes up about this video; it probably isn't even that good. But I felt very proud of my accomplishment. 30 minutes later, it was up on YouTube, up on At Wit's End, and up for the whole world to see! I was flying high.

Later that night, as I strolled into the house, probably singing the song since the tune gets caught in my head, I walked up to my precious mother and kissed her forehead, greeting her with glee. Her face was morose and visibly upset, and my mind asked the question, "What on earth did I do/forget/do this time???" She reached out to me and asked, "Darling, if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you." Talk about it? What on earth? Then it clicked. She must have thought I was being serious on my blog about it. Uh oh. But wait, there's more. My dad gets home, gleaming with pride that his son inherited a cunning wit and a backbone to stand up to a girl like that. But wait, there's more. I get an email from my aunt the next day, commending me on my courage, but scolding me for my blunt behavior. In the end, the video was causing quite the stir.

I promise I say nothing offensive or vulgar in it- I wouldn't do that. But when you see the video, I suppose I do a convincing job of looking serious. At any rate, I took the video down and sent an apology to anyone who took offense. But I didn't take it down because I thought it was shocking... oh contrare... I took it down because I needed to do some site maintenance and it was in the way. But it is important that you know the following... I'M NOT BEING SERIOUS, IT IS STRICTLY A PARODY, IT IS ABOUT NO ONE IN PARTICULAR. Thank you.

Coming full circle, the experience taught me a valuable lesson. 1) That it might be best to have a 5 day waiting period before I tell my family I broke up with someone and talking with them again, allow them to cope with the loss. 2) I could become an actor if this whole writing thing doesn't work out. I could be like George Orwell! and 3) It is important to write what you believe. Write out your imagination and have fun with it. Writing is a powerful and fun thing and it is the best way of getting your thoughts out there and see them at face value. It is like taking a picture of your brain for a split second and seeing what you were thinking, expressed in words. The song is a snapshot of me being stupid. Who knows, maybe I'll put it back up if there is demand for it. In the meantime, keep writing. Keep exploring the infinite imagination. Keep causing a stir because if you don't, well, life just isn't as fun. And besides, if I didn't cause a stir every once and a while, this blog would be really boring, huh?


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