Monday, January 4, 2010

Ode to My Bad Day

GOD, you know what is just right
in every corner of my life
and as i struggle with all my might
to rise above my strife
on eagle's wings you set me aflight
and we fly above the choas.

on days, my job is such a mess
with impatiences and stress
i get a pain in my eye
and the swelling makes me look like george takei!
i'm irritated and fuming
in a world of endless sueing!

i cannot even drive peacefully
because i always fell like a piece of me
wants to jump out of the car
and hit the drivers with an iron bar.
this feels wrong in my heart
but it just won't part.
what's wrong here?

you know that pain you get in your neck
that hurts when you flex
all because an annoying pest
steals you away from your bliss?
yeah i have that right now.

it seems that even the church
seems to make it hurt
with its sometimes boring tidings
and ever present tithings.
from our hope, it's stealing
instead of healing.

but these things aren't the point
even if they make us out of joint.
in the end it's GOD's heart that rules
and HE'll give us the tools
to rise above the mire
and fly above it higher.
and as for our trash,
GOD recycles it and turns it into our mast sail stronger than we did
..........the day before.


(Um, this is George Takei, Trek fans)

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