Wednesday, October 7, 2009

10 Things That Should Not Exist

1) Scary Bathrooms: The kind that are usually found at along the side gas stations and are always dripping wet? Worst ones have cockroaches that you may not kill by stepping on them alone, they are that huge.

2) Gnats: You can't catch them to kill them, you just end up walking around, clapping your hands, and hoping they will go away. This is the same strategy most parents use on their toddlers.

3) Bad Hospital Gowns: We're on the verge of curing cancer but we still have to see the patient's butt? We need to prioritize our medical funding.

4) Creepy Medicine Commercials: What kind of downcast actor do they have to hire to admit they have these diseases and what kind of person is lazy enough not to change the channel when these embarrassing commercials come on? Answer to the second part- me.

5) The 21st Century Mullet: Billy Ray Cyrus got away with it 20 years ago. Nobody else does. End of story.

6) Bad B.O.: Deodorant shouldn't be a suggestion, it should be law.

7) Movies that Make Me Cry: Including The Notebook, Radio, Braveheart, and Weekend at Bernie's 2.

8) "I just wanna be friends.": Coming from a girl you've been going out with for the last 2 months, it feels like a lead pipe hitting you in the gut. Furthermore, think of all the money you could have saved had you just known this sooner...

9) Slow Drivers: Driving 40 in 30mph zone will get you a ticket. Driving 20 in a 30mph zone will get you kicked.

10) Dog's in People's Clothing: We already pick up their poo... must we really? Shameful...

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