Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year's New Stuff

I jot this year's first thought of the blog down on my cellphone of all things. Its small keyboard and cracked screen means that my grammar will be sub par or at very best, horribly misspelled. But then again, who needs grammar or punctuation during this new decade? Pff, laptops are so last decade... I'm moving forward with technology, I'm conforming to the new wave of blog-ology. I'm blogging on the go!

But it is only the beginning of the changes this year. I have vowed to keep up with the times and even follow the trends - books with pages are out and Amazon Kindle is in, music from CD's belong on display in a museum, and only people stuck in the 00's still has a MySpace. We welcome a time where even the New Year's ball has LED, Hi-Def wattage and offers free Wi-Fi. I suppose in light of that, typing out the latest blog post on my phone doesn't seem so crazy after all.

Of course with all this change, there's bound to be people unsure or at least worried about what the future may hold. Who knows, maybe the Detroit Lions have a shot at the superbowl at this pace! Hopefully, though, I can alleviate some of those fears of the new year for you...
1) First the Detroit Lions have as good of a chance as I have of taking up Chinese mathematics. May your betting rest assured it won't happen.
2) Jay Leno is still on the AND we have Conan O'Brian. Fear not, we won't be stuck with infomercials before bedtime.
3) There are no major elections in 2011. That means fewer campaign commercials and lawn posters. This also means fewer free agent politicians. Who couldn't use fewer politicians milling about?

See, 2011 isn't going to be that bad!

But no matter what changes or lack thereof bombard our day to day groove, our God is as faithful as he was in 2010, as constant as he was in 1997, and as sturdy as he was in 1983. While it's hard with each passing year to remember that God is still in control, remember, he still is. It's easy with all the uneasiness, fear, and uncertainty at times to forget that God still looks after his creation and is faithful to us all.

I'm not worried about the new year. In fact, I think I may be excited for it. Who knows what may happen? Those Lions may take us by surprise and Leno may actually retire. Who knows? Life will keep rolling; trying to make it fit my own agenda, well that's vanity. Remembering God's faithfulness in every new year, for every new season; well that's truly living! Happy new year, and may the God of our yesterday put at ease the fears of our future, now.


God as made everything beautiful in its season. Everything beautiful in its own season! -Ecclesiastes 3:11, loose translation


  1. Thanks, i needed that!

  2. Okay, Mr. Technology. I'm not reading another of your blogs until I can do it on an iphone app!
