Monday, October 12, 2009

Stress Relief

So the other day, my awesome mother found a book about fitness and health in regards to the body as a whole. Basically, it's the same diet book as all the other diet books out there, only with a different cover. Anywho's, she came across the chapter on stress where a test is given to see just how stressed out you are. One would answer questions about different situations in which stress would have been put on their shoulders and the like. If you scored 50-100, you were as cool as those beer commercials on the beach. If you scored 100-200, you had some issues, but otherwise normal. If you scored 200-300, you were stressed and needed a vacation. My sister scored in the 700's, my father in the 600's, and my mother didn't even make it to 400. Intrigued, I asked if I could take the test.

My mom asked me a few questions like "Have you had a change in core responsibilities at work?" (I said no but she put me down as yes), "Are you facing any relationship difficulties?" (I am currently single, hence sane, so no but again she put me down as yes) and of course "Have you been terminated from a position or had a sudden change in jobs?" (Apparently, in her eyes, I have. I work for the greatest law firm in the world and it is my first real job but she put me down as yes anyways.) You can see the trend with my mom here. She scored me off the charts and gave the three of us a strong lecture on how we need to chill out. In retaliation, we quipped about how she took the test for us and didn't let us take it on our own merit, so it was only fair that we do the same for her. Ironically, she scored nearly double when we took it for her... funny how this works, huh?

However, despite whatever some stupid test scores, we are still some stressed out people. Our family has had a lot of things going on that have turned a lot of hairs grey in the last 6 months. Stress locally has seemed to be on the rise lately with death, sickness, relationship struggles, and the like bogging us down. Things aren't easy now-a-days, I'm sure you would agree.

We have now come to the part of my blog where I usually put down a verse or life lesson in which betters one might better themselves as a Christian and/or a person as a whole. I might add a Bible verse or short quip. Today, I am giving it to you through a personal experience I had this weekend.

If you are stressed... buy a pumpkin. They are on sale at Wal-Mart for like $4 right now because of Halloween. Then find a blunt object, some open space, then BEAT THE EVER LIVING TAR OUT OF IT UNTIL IT IS A PULP! This method is both stress relieving and fun. We used a machete, baseball bats, and a golf club, but anything will do. Trust me, it's worth it. As far as the Bible verse, I'm still looking it up to see if I can find where Jesus did this in the Bible. In the meantime, HAPPY PUMPKIN SMASHIN'!


1 comment:

  1. Very accurate my brother. Make sure she reads this one. I love reading these... they make my days smile a little. Love you and miss you
