Monday, October 4, 2010

Well, I'm Back!

3 months 14 days 15 hours and some 45 minutes.

That's how long it's been since I've updated by blog. Sad, I know...

But I can't say that taking a hiatus for a while wasn't bad. It was actually kind of therapeutic. Writing, and art in general, should never feel tiresome or boring or obligatory. It should be free. It should be compelling. It should avoid keeping me from watching Lie to Me Season 2 in the wee hours of the morning and should allow me to enjoy what some people refer to as a "social life." Unfortunately, this blog became my ball and chain... bleh.

Pumping out a fresh, new, witty idea once a week got to be tedious, I'm not going to lie. I starting pulling stuff out of thin air there for a while (i.e. March 17, 2010's posting entitled "Pimp Master Patty." Wow, even my title was lame...). So, after my 3 month, 14 day, 15 hours and now some 46 minutes later, I am returning to the indie publishing that we internet junkies call blogging.

As of right now, I've been writing and publishing blogs for almost a year and a half and although I have yet to seal the deal on my book deal (oh it'll come... eventually...) I continue to write. If you were to stack my blogs end on end at this point, you'd have nearly 40,000 words equaling over 130 pages of sarcasm and sardonic wit. On average, from what I can tell, an average person speaks roughly 6,000 - 7,000 words a day. So, basically my blog postings would take you almost a week to recite if you only read them during casual conversation.


I didn't know I was that wordy. In fact, I seriously doubt I speak 6,000 words a day. I have a hard time believing certain people only speak 6,000 words a day. But whatever the number of words, those words all add up to something - a story. A story that is unique to us as individuals, that no one else can recite for us. No one else can take our story from us. It's an epic story spanning the course of a lifetime with interconnecting plot lines and side stories that intrigue us even more into who we are. Our story is ours to tell, so we might as well do our best to tell in the most epic way possible!

So I'm back to writing I suppose. Somewhere between work, college, responsibilities, and being a ladykiller, I'll find some time to jot something down on here. In the mean time, may you find a way to retell your story in the best way you know how. Don't recycle the same story that everybody's heard over and over again. Don't let your story become stale or boring. Certainly avoid entitling it "Pimp Master Patty" for sure. And, of course as my mantra would say, love to live life.

(Sigh) It feels good to be back blogging.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation; old things have passed away; behold ALL THINGS have become NEW!


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